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North Korean Agriculture

North Korea Honors Moms with Grand Celebration…Just An Attempt to Hide Country’s Grim Reality?

Earlier this month, North Korea hosted the Fifth National Conference of Mothers, a massive...

North Koreans Mask Up Again As Fears of Pneumonia Spread

Mycoplasma pneumonia, currently witnessing a surge in China, has now spread to South Korea....

Has North Korea Abandoned “Juche Farming” in Favor of “Scientific Farming”?

North Korea is touting this year’s crop yields as unprecedentedly bountiful, attributing the success...

Did This Year’s Harvest Redeem Once Berated North Korean Premier?

North Korean Cabinet Premier Kim Tok Hun, once thought to be at risk of...

[Video] Did This Year’s Harvest Redeem Once Berated North Korean Premier?

North Korean Cabinet Premier Kim Tok Hun, once thought to be at risk of...

North Korea Goes All Out On This Year’s Harvest, Sees Better-Than-Average Yields

Farming communities across North Korea are currently in the midst of the fall harvest....

[Video] Getting Your Daily Bread Fix in North Korea | The Rising Obsession with Flour-Based Foods

North Korean TV has been increasingly spotlighting a range of flour-based foods like bread,...

North Korean Farmers Kick Off Fall Harvest One Month Early to Combat Food Shortages

North Korea’s Korean Central Television (KCTV) announced that the country’s first rice harvest of...

Conflicting Reports on North Korea’s Food Situation | What Is It Really Like in Rural North Korea?

North Korea continues to grapple with a chronic food crisis, and the outlook for...

From Typhoons to Heatwaves and the Monsoon: Weather Anxiety Runs High in North Korea

In early July, the Korean Peninsula grappled with a monsoon front that had previously...

Concerns Over Extreme Weather Abound in North Korea

Broadcast Workers on Emergency Duty Ahead of Expected Heavy Rainfall Two weeks ago, as the...

North Korea Experiences Heavy Rainfall, Sounds Alarm Bells Over Potential Crop Damage

The Korean Peninsula has been experiencing torrential rains, resulting in extensive damage, as a...

Drought Continues to Raise Concern in North Korea Despite Spring Showers

Despite recent spring showers, droughts continue to be a source of concern in North...

[Video] “12 Grounds Digging Campaign”: North Korean Farmers on a Spring Mission

North Korean state media has frequently been sharing stories of farmers who have “dug...

Latest articles

North Korea Honors Moms with Grand Celebration…Just An Attempt to Hide Country’s Grim Reality?

Earlier this month, North Korea hosted the Fifth National Conference of Mothers, a massive...

North Koreans Mask Up Again As Fears of Pneumonia Spread

Mycoplasma pneumonia, currently witnessing a surge in China, has now spread to South Korea....

Following ICBM Launch, Kim Threatens to Strike If Washington Makes “Wrong Decision”

North Korean state media has published images from Monday's missile launch, confirming the projectile...

Motive Behind North Korea’s Unprecedented Five ICBM Launches This Year Alone

North Korea’s launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on Monday comes just one...